Buying Land Process through Asset Finance in Kenya

Buying Land Process through Asset Finance in Kenya

Finances play the biggest role in investments, and it’s impossible to own assets without money in Kenya. Several factors, such as location and size, determine land prices. Besides the price, there are additional costs in land buying that you must factor in to sponsor a smooth transaction. Are you interested in buying land, but you…

8 Hidden Costs When Purchasing Properties in Kenya from Land buying companies in Kenya

8 Hidden Costs When Purchasing Properties in Kenya from Land buying companies in Kenya

Hidden Land Transaction Cost when a 50 by 100 plot price in Kenya is being negotiated from Land buying companies in Kenya When buying land in Kenya, most investors focus on the price and forget the undisclosed costs. These are other costs that may arise during the land transactions. Hidden costs can be major or…

3 Reasons Why a Freehold Title Is the Best Assurance in when looking Land for Buying

3 Reasons Why a Freehold Title Is the Best Assurance in when looking Land for Buying

Features of a Freehold Title Deed for Land for Buying Owning land in Kenya is not a shallow affair. It requires its own level of seriousness especially now that fraudsters are on the rise. There are many ways that you can own land but getting a freehold title for your property beats them all. So…

Adverse Possession in Kenyan Real Estate Nairobi Kenya Land

Adverse Possession in Kenya in Real Estate and Land Acquisition

Adverse Possession in Kenya One of the subjects that have been trending recently in Kenya is adverse possession. This has caused the public to dig into the matter and find solutions. In this blog, we break down the concept of adverse possession to help you know more about it. What Is Adverse Possession? It is…

Real Estate Kenya and Land the Subdivision Process in Kenya | Land Subdivision Process in Kenya | process of land subdivision in kenya | land division process in Kenya

Land Subdivision Process in Kenya

The process of subdividing large parcels of land into more than one part is known as land subdivision. It involves several procedures which are done by government agencies. After subdivision, the smaller parts are given their titles. This article will explore the land subdivision process in Kenya. Steps Before Subdividing Land in Kenya There are…